Other Services

Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)

GPR is a non-intrusive means of producing profiles and 3D models of the subsurface environment. Short radio pulses are emitted through the soil and the echoes reflect back changes in the soils and sediments. We use this technique to locate structural remains, ditches, unmarked graves, and other shallow features as well as provide insights into the depositional and geological context of a site. This survey method works best in areas that are relatively flat and free of obstacles.

Magnetometry (MAG)

Magnetometry is a rapid and reliable means of assessing a site for archaeological potential, pinpointing features of interest. The magnetometer measures and records distortions in the earth’s magnetic field which may result from the heating/burning of an area, the presence of magnetic minerals, or changes in the magnetic susceptibility of a location. This method can be particularly useful in identifying pits, ditches, hearths, kilns, roads, trackways, and cemeteries. Fieldwork or excavation may still be required but this survey method can help narrow the focus and direct investigations, especially when dealing with large areas.

Precision Survey & GIS

Spatial data collection and processing are important parts of general survey projects and archaeological fieldwork. We are equipped to handle a variety of survey work requiring high accuracy (dm to cm), no matter how remote. If you require assistance compiling your data together in a GIS for analysis and map production, we can help there, too.

Radiometric Dating

We can facilitate radiocarbon dating of organic materials from your site, which, by using the properties of a radioactive isotope of carbon, can assist with temporal research questions. This technique can be utilized with phytolith, macrobotanical, and wood charcoal services when appropriate samples are present.

Samples proceed through portioning/subsampling, physical and chemical pre-treatment protocols, production of CO2 by combustion or acid digestion, reduction of CO2 to graphite, preparation of graphite for measurement, measurement of carbon isotopes by Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS), and data analysis, as appropriate for the type of sample submitted.